
Head of Department: Mr L Brown - l.brown.scs@osborne.coop

Drama helps to develop many skills: acting builds confidence and the ability to work in a team; directing gives you organisational and management skills. Drama is about understanding what it is like to put yourself in somebody else’s shoes. You will play many different parts in different imaginary situations. You will have the opportunity to create your own work as well as look at plays written by other people. 

Drama is about team work and co-operation.  You must neither be too quiet nor too dominant so that no one else gets a chance to speak.  Above all, you must be very motivated, willing to explore your creativity and willing to take risks.

Curriculum Map - Drama

Key Stage 4 (Years 9 - 11) GCSE Course Study Breakdown

Exam Mark Breakdown

Component 1: 40% of the qualification – 60 marks (Internally assessed and externally moderated)
- Create and develop a devised piece from a stimulus;
- Performance of this devised piece – recorded for moderator; (15 marks)
- Analyse and evaluate the devising process and performance – 2000 word essay based on six questions or 8-10 minute recorded viva voce.(45 marks)

Component 2: 20% of the qualification – 48 marks (Externally assessed by visiting examiner)
- Students will perform two key extracts from a performance text (48 marks)

Component 3:  40% of the qualification – 60 marks (written examination, 1 hour 30 minutes)
- Practical exploration and study of one complete performance text as preparation forwritten examination:
- Section A: Bringing Texts to Life (45 marks)
- Section B: Live Theatre Evaluation (15 marks)

Year 9

Term 1: 
(i) Introduction to the course
(ii) Stanislavski/Method acting
(iii) Dance and movement/Key skills

Term 2: 
Multi-roling: John Godber and The 39 Steps

Term 3:
Learning to devise work

Year 10

In Year 10 you will record the process of a devised piece of Drama that will be sent to an assessor, both the recording and the written work. The written work can be substituted for a 8-10 minute oral examination, recorded and sent to the moderator (viva voce).

Term 1: Genres of Theatre
(i) Characterisation/Stanislavski/  Music and Movement
(ii) Practitioners: Brecht, Artaud and Berkoff

Term 2:
(i) Monologue and Speech//Mask work/Impro skills
(ii) Devising Skills and abstract form
(iii) Assembly project and Devising

Term 3:
(i) Unit 2: Curious Incident visit + notes phase
(ii) Controlled Assessed phase of Unit 2 - Review

Year 11

You will create a piece of drama based upon two text extracts and perform these to a visiting examiner. You will then see a live performance and prepare for a 1 hour 30 minute written examination, which will cover this live performance and also the study of a complete play text.

Term 1:

(i) Component 2 - create a piece of scripted drama for a visiting examiner

Term 2:
(i) Finish Component 2 and present the final piece to the visiting examiner
(ii) Study a complete play text and explore how an actor, director and designer would use the text
(iii) Visit a London show and create a 500 word set of notes for this production
(iv) Sit a 1 hour and 30 minutes written examination, focused on the studied play text and the show we visited.

Other Teachers of Drama

Miss H Aldridge - h.aldridge.scs@osborne.coop