
Companies We Work With

Tes institute logo  Dp world logo  Essex police logo  Essex county fire and rescue service logo Careers and Enterprise Co Logo

Thurrock council logo   Nhs logo Border force logo

Metropolitan police logo  Eurostar logo  Mears logo

Dwp logo Mod armed forces logo    Procter gamble logo   Make happen logo

Marksandspencer1884 logo    C2c logo   Ford logo

Airbus Logo 2017 present    St lukes logo

LGW airport logo.svg     McDonalds Logo     CG MEDIA 1



How Can You Be Involved?

It was a pleasure to welcome the students to the facilities that we have provided for St Clere’s School – The students were impeccably behaved during the supervised visits and asked some very good questions on the processes of the build and roles and responsibilities of the team involved. Clearly a lot of forethought had taken place by the students and we hope that the environment for learning that we have provided will be an inspiration for their future.

- Losberger De Boer
Losberger de boer logo