
St Clere’s Curriculum Intent

Our intent is to inspire a love of learning and provide our pupils with wide ranging opportunities during their school years. In turn, this will widen their access to suitable career pathways. We celebrate and welcome diversity and incorporate Co-operative and British values into everyday learning.

Our subject curriculums must build on prior learning and allow revision and revisiting of basic skills which can be further developed and applied by pupils as they learn. We encourage enquiry and critical debate so students can explore issues and reflect on their own developing values and how they fit into the world.

In order to provide opportunity and develop well-rounded individuals, we ensure pupils experience a range of subjects so they can choose and refine an area of interest. Our curriculum offer will cover the full range of subjects across key stage 3, building on their learning in key stage 2 and personalising their interests at key stage 4 in preparation for their next stage. Our subject curriculums are sequenced and planned with regular check points towards an end point each year and each key stage. Implementation of the curriculum must build skills and knowledge, checking for gaps and allowing for personalisation and mastery so students are able to access the curriculum at the appropriate point for their ability. Strong subject knowledge and delivery will support student progress.

Inclusion is a high priority. Therefore, challenge, adaption and intervention will support accessibility to the curriculum. Disadvantaged pupils must have the opportunity to build independence and confidence as they develop skills and knowledge.

As well as subject development, pupils will have an opportunity to understand and explore while learning in a historical, social, local and global context so it is meaningful and so it develops them socially, emotionally and morally as well as academically. Pupils will learn to keep themselves safe and well, making wise choices in life and knowing how to maintain their physical and mental well-being. Subjects will incorporate a cultural, real-life aspect so pupils understand the relevance and purpose of each subject area and the wider curriculum. Pupils will have opportunity to apply skills across different disciplines and develop explicit awareness of the links across subject areas.

Curriculums must :

  • Lead to high quality qualifications and prepare students for their next stage and employability
  • Build on previous learning at each stage
  • Be engaging, relevant and linked to the cultural context
  • Enable access for all abilities
  • Be knowledge rich and allow mastery of core skills
  • Develop students spiritually, morally, culturally and socially
  • Allow personalisation
  • Enrich students’ lives
  • Broaden student horizons


SEF - Our whole school curriculum intent is...

We offer a broad curriculum offer at three year key stage 3 which builds on the learning at key stage 2. Languages (French and German) are taught at key stage 3 and there is an additional focus on reading over the last two years. Form time has been extended to half an hour and this enables a clear focus on developing personal skills such as debating, reading, health and knowledge about learning as well as spiritual awareness.

Pupils start key stage 4 in year ten and, in addition to their core subjects, they are able to choose two subject options from a choice of approx. 20 subject areas. We are developing a more complex range of choices as we look for more vocational offers to meet the needs of some of our pupils. A large majority of students continue languages into key stage 4 in preparation for English Baccalaureate, although we refine the curriculum to meet the specific needs where possible and this results in several different pathways within a year group to support pupils gaining the qualifications they need for the next stage of their careers.

We are developing a key stage 5 offer for the first year of our sixth form campus which is a satellite of our partner school. We are bidding for a St Clere’s offer which has a planned start of September 2023.



We believe that our students have the right to access a curriculum where work activities can be done at a variety of levels and in a variety of different ways to meet individual needs.  Our Special Education Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCo) works closely with all teachers and learning support assistants, as they all have a role in meeting Special Education and Disability Needs. It is important that intervention takes place as early as possible, in order to provide support and ‘catch up’ opportunities.