Personal Development (PD)
Head of Department: Mrs C Albon -
Personal Development (PD) is taught at Key Stage 3, 4 and 5.
While not an exam subject, PD is nevertheless an important and necessary part of all students’ education, enabling them to develop a sound understanding of the risks they may come across in life and providing them with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions. It includes guidance on subjects such as drug education, financial education, sex and relationships and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle.
This subject also helps young people to develop the knowledge, skills and conviction to play an effective role in their local, national and global communities. By critically examining issues related to Democracy, Identity and Diversity, Social Justice and Human Rights from a differing range of perspectives, students learn to form their own opinion, to speak out and take action on issues that are important to them.
PD in Key Stage 4 is delivered through weekly PD sessions in year 10, focus sessions delivered by a member of SLT, end of term drop down weeks with a specific PD focus and the use of outside agencies to deliver targeted sessions to our pupils.
We regularly listen to the voice of our students throughout the school year with targeted small group conversations led by members of SLT whereby the students have the opportunity to discuss any issues that are current and relevant to them. These conversations then allow us to develop and tailor our curriculum to ensure we are meeting the specific needs of our pupils.We consult with parents on the development of our PD policy and communicate with parents regularly via email with updates on safeguarding developments. All of our staff receive regular training and weekly safeguarding updates are provided to staff via the staff bulletin.
Curriculum Map - Personal Development
Other Teachers of PD