Anti-Bullying Strategy
We believe that all pupils have the right to work and learn in a happy and caring environment.
Bullying is:
Deliberately hurtful and repeated behaviour over time against an individual.
It can be:
Physical – any type or threat of violence
Verbal – name calling, teasing or spreading rumours
Emotional – being kept out of a group or laughed at
Racial – comments or gestures about a person’s background
Sexual – unwanted physical contact
Cyber – when someone uses technology (such as the Internet or a mobile phone) to bully others
We are all responsible for preventing bullying. How to defeat the bullies: what we all can do…..
- Tell your parent or guardian what’s happening.
- Tell a teacher about the problem and if it doesn't stop go back to the teacher again.
- Try to ignore the bullies. If they fail to get a reaction they may give up.
- Try standing up for yourself. Be assertive, but don’t come down to their level. You might end up in trouble.
- Ask your friends and classmates to stick up for you. If you all stick together, the bullies lose their power.
- Keep a record of what’s happening and ask your friends if they’ll act as witnesses if you need adult help to sort things out.
- You must speak out: bullies rely on their victims and witnesses staying silent.
- If you witness another person being bullied, tell a teacher about it.
Bullying is covered in depth in our Behaviour for Learning and Conduct Policy (Appendix 5).