Teaching and Learning - ACE

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Intent of our Curriculum

At St. Clere’s School, we aim to provide every student with a broad, balanced and relevant education that enables them to achieve their full potential. We believe that the curriculum should cover the full range of subjects across key stage three, building on their learning in key stage two and refine students’ interests at key stage 4 in preparation for their next stage. Following the opening of our Sixth Form in 2023, key stage five subjects are offered to our students at St. Clere’s School.

The demanding work given enables students, over time and across the school, to consistently achieve the aims of the curriculum. The curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning and employment. All curriculums are sequenced to ensure content and skills progression and planned with regular check points towards an end point each year. Each key stage will have formative and summative assessment embedded.

Implementation of our Curriculum

Implementation of the curriculum must show a clear line of sight for building on skills and knowledge; check for gaps and misconceptions, and allow for personalisation based on reading ages, pupil background and any learning needs. Students must be able to access the curriculum at the appropriate point for their ability. 

Strong subject knowledge and delivery will support student progress. Challenge, as well as intervention, will also support the development of skills and knowledge where required. We recognise our considerable responsibility in ensuring that every individual is offered the opportunity, challenge and encouragement to secure success. 

Implementation of our curriculum looks like ACE at our school. We believe that every successful learning experience would have three key ingredients:

Adaptive Teaching



The school aims to fulfil the teachers’ standards through the inclusion of some of the strategies from each strand detailed above. By having these (as appropriate to the learning) core ingredients present in each learning experience, teachers will be highly effective and creative, and students will be inspired, fully engaged in the learning journey resulting in progress being made. 

You can read our teaching, learning and assessment interim policy below.


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