
Welcome to our careers page. My name is Mr Salmon and I am the Careers leader at St Clere's school. It is my role to work collaboratively with students and parents in navigating the exciting journey of careers. My role is to empower our students to make informed decisions about their futures and equip them with the skills necessary for success in the ever evolving world beyond the classroom.

Our Careers vision is based around the word Kaizen, a Japanese business term with the ethos of continuous improvement. Our ethos encourages students to advance their knowledge, raise aspirations, inspire innovation, encourage enterprise and allow our students to build suitable networks in their journey to reaching their zenith. We firmly believe that students experiencing our careers programme from Year 7 will be in a fantastic position to decide on their next steps. 

Over the years our students will:

  • Gain a greater knowledge of the range of opportunities open to them.
  • Take part in work related activities in and out of school.
  • Understand unbiased information on current labour market information and trends and expectations of employers.
  • Learn to make decisions wisely about their future.
  • Be fully prepared to manage change and be fully supported through key transition periods.
  • Learn how to improve their own employability: how to find work, how to get work and how to progress their careers.

The Careers Vision...

'Empowering students to reach the zenith of their potential. Guiding careers with excellence and aspiration, one step at a time.'

Kaizen 2

Our careers programme has been developed to meet the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks. The benchmarks are enshrined in statutory guidance and our action plan strives to meet each of the following in their entirety to ensure our students receive a world class programme during their time at St Clere's. 

In March 2024 we were awarded 100% in all of the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks and in doing so became the first school in the local area to achieve the landmark. We are incredibly proud of this achievement as it shows our students are receiving an outstanding careers programme to support their future choices. The benchmarks are outlined below.

They are: A stable careers programme, learning from careers and labour market information, addressing the needs of each student, linking curriculum learning to careers, encounters with employers and employees, experiences of workplaces, encounters with further and higher education, personal guidance.

Gatsby benchmarks

The Gatsby Benchmarks were developed on behalf of the Gatsby Foundation by Sir John Holman. They define what world class careers provision in education looks like and provide a clear framework for organising the careers provision in a school or college setting. 

Careers and Enterprise Company - Enterprise Award:

We are pleased to announce that Mr Salmon has been recognised by the Careers and Enterprise company (CEC) for making the most progress against the Gatsby benchmarks in the last academic year. This achievement considers all schools in the greater Essex Hub.

Certificate of recognition 2024 st cleres 300x212 Salmon Accepting Award 2024

Thurrock's Next Top Boss

We are excited to announce the launch of Thurrock's Next Top Boss in partnership with the NHS. Following the huge success of last year we are hoping to find a new team of entrepreneurs to defend our crown. Below is a video from our 2024 winners to explain the process in more detail.



I look forward to working with you over the years in supporting all of our students in their pursuit of excellence. Our careers website will provide you with lots of different information and I would encourage you to visit regularly.
Equally, follow us on social media to keep up to date with the fantastic careers events going on around the school.

You can find the St Clere's Careers Facebook and LinkedIn pages, which include posts about trips, events and jobs of the week, here:

Facebook tile logo icon 170166  Linkedin tile logo icon 169242  National careers service logo CROPPED

a.salmon.scs@osborne.coop    01375 648937

A Salmon photo